Friday, November 7, 2008

My attempt...

So, I actually have a blog already on this site called Live Journal but I'm hoping to mostly write my thoughts and ideas on faith in this blog. I might not write very often and sometimes I may just post other people's ideas that have made me think or have made me sad, it'll all depend on how busy I am really. And mostly this is just for me. If anyone comes upon it and would like to read and comment, feel free but really I just want to have a place to freely write down my thoughts.




Candy said...

I'm very excited about your blog, and woot, already three posts! She's cookin' with gas! :)

The only thing it needs a super-cool design, though- a cool header and a big picture of Bethany on the side that always smiles at you no matter how much you scroll up and down!

Also, the date stamp on this says you posted it (or at least started writing it) in November of last year! Is that a mistake, or have you had this lil' ol' blog registered ever since then?

Bethany said...

I don't think I posted it the first time last year...but perhaps I did it. I can't really remember. Sad, right? I feel like I wrote this first post a couple months ago and then forgot about it because I couldn't remember my log-in name and password and then when I talked to you about it I got myself motivated. Whatever.